Ann Carey has been vocalizing in Central New York bands for gas money ever since the late seventies, morphing herself into the “music flavor of the month” in bands from Steppin’ Out, Blue Steel, Ted Radley and Co., Puttin’ on the Ritz, to her latest adventure in the duo Nook n’ Crannie.
The doors are open for Ann’s open rehearsal at The Other Side. “I’d like to do a low-key prep for a future solo recording, so I figured an open rehearsal on Sunday afternoons would be fun. I’m more productive when I have a gig in the books. It gives folks a space to pop into while they’re in town, perhaps to frequent the Emerson Cafe or The Onion.”
Expect to hear an eclectic mix of singer-songwriter tunes by Townes Vans Zant, Joni Mitchell, Bonnie Raitt, and Nora Jones, along with a few surprises, in a bare bones style with her baritone ukulele.